Friday, July 26, 2019

My final post

Well...well.. this is the final day that i have to writting in my blog, and i want to say that it was funny and well for learning about other people, what they likes, of they lives, what they think and much other things.
Image result for bye bye
In my case enjoy every day in the lab when i read about topics that i don´t know and i talk about my experience in much other things. Thank to this my writting has be better and is a little more easy express what i think. In the future i like to include post with something topic of importance such as investigations relevants for the people, new discoveries that could change the form that we used or thinking about something, other to raise awareness.....

This types of situations are full of moment that i saved. Much of jokes and amazing dialogues with my classmates and obviously with the genius of teacher
Today i´m missing my inspiration to writting.. i think my mind is tired at this point of year...Only i can to say thanks for everyone that could read my posts and comment about a lot of different types of topics that are interesting for me.
See ya

Friday, July 19, 2019


Autism is a disorder neurobiologic that affects the nervous system. They are characterized by include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours.
In the actuality it´s not possible decide a single cause that explain the appearance of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but yes the strong implication genetic in they origin.
Not exist cure for de ASD, this disease stays with the person all his life long. The therapy and interventions behavioral are designed for minimize the symtoms and to get better the quality of life.
Some of the caracteristics for the people with autism is that their language is literal (they don't understand jokes, double meanings or metaphors). Also they avoid the fisic contact or is litle satisfactory for they and usually have hipersensibility in the tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory. Often exist little sensitivity to pain.
Other caracteristic is the difficulty with comunication and with social interactions. Sometimes in the moments where they feel stressed is manifested in repetitive behavior or activities.
They usually have very specific interesting in some things, for this reason much of this persons becomes experts on certains topics.
I choose this disorder because i loved a T.V program calls "The good Doctor" that tell the history of one doctor with autism and all of he difficulties for can job in the hospital without be judged for his different abilities (such as have a incredible memory, always says the true, see thing that other not....)
Image result for the good doctor

Friday, July 12, 2019

Biology is everywhere

For me the biology has won a big place in my heart, is amazing and it entertains me to know how our body works and every organism we know on earth, despite in spite of being a subject that is mainly seen with theory in the classroom, it`s incredible how it can develop and explain each element that form plant, animal and inert organisms. Besides the research that I was able to experience in high school was through the observation of phenomena by microscope as cell division and microorganisms, through many times with special ink to improve the visibility of the observed phenomenon.
I also had visits to medical campuses and there they explain me the treatment of patients in hospitals, such as blood extraction and outpatient care. ( i hope in the future to work in a hospital helping people to recover)
One of the most important things is that in addition to loving this Subject it is very easy to understand for me, together with chemistry that is another of my favorite subjects, because they complement each other and together they can explain the origin of almost all life.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Music composers

In my life the music had very important for me, it´s means time to relaxing and also for have fun.
Since 6 years ago i play the violin and the classical music turned a important significant for me, because the music of this people fells so potent an they can do convey many emotions.

Image result for mozartExist much composers of classical music that i admire and one of this is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), he was a prolific and influential composer of the classic age. He born in Austria being the most youngest of seven children. Mozart showed prodigious abilitys from his earliest childhood. He composed from the age of 5, and in total in his life composed more than 600 works among symphonies, concerts, operas and portions of Requiem, some of the most knows are Amadeus, Symphony number 40 in G minor, (K.550), Requiem Mass in D minor (K.626)...
His work have transcended in the time and today his music is one of the most important for the classical music.

Image result for chopinOther of my Favourite composer are Frederic Chopin (1810-1849), he was a Polish composer and a great pianist. He wrote primarily for solo piano. Chopin completed his musical education and composed his earlier works in War saw before leaving Poland at the age of 20. He wrote two piano concertos, some Symphonys, a few chamber pieces, and some 19 songs set to Polish lyrics.His piano writing was technically demanding and expanded the limits of the instrument. I really like the sensitivity that his songs can say.
Some of his works are Nocturnal, Op. 9, Prelude, Op. 28, No. 15, Balade No. 1 in G minor....

Image result for beethoven
And i can´t forget about Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Beethoven was born in German and he was a composer and pianist. He displayed his musical talents at an early age. widely considered to be one of the greatest of all time. His innovative compositions combined vocals and instruments, widening the scope of sonata, symphony, concerto and quartet.During this period of self exile, Beethoven composed many of his most admired works.
Some of the most knows are Symphony No. 5, Symphony no 7, Symphony no 9 , and much others.

Various topics of interest

In my opinion, having pets at home is the best thing that has happened to me, animals are a great company, they are always willing to give y...