Friday, July 19, 2019


Autism is a disorder neurobiologic that affects the nervous system. They are characterized by include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours.
In the actuality it´s not possible decide a single cause that explain the appearance of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but yes the strong implication genetic in they origin.
Not exist cure for de ASD, this disease stays with the person all his life long. The therapy and interventions behavioral are designed for minimize the symtoms and to get better the quality of life.
Some of the caracteristics for the people with autism is that their language is literal (they don't understand jokes, double meanings or metaphors). Also they avoid the fisic contact or is litle satisfactory for they and usually have hipersensibility in the tactile, olfactory, gustatory and auditory. Often exist little sensitivity to pain.
Other caracteristic is the difficulty with comunication and with social interactions. Sometimes in the moments where they feel stressed is manifested in repetitive behavior or activities.
They usually have very specific interesting in some things, for this reason much of this persons becomes experts on certains topics.
I choose this disorder because i loved a T.V program calls "The good Doctor" that tell the history of one doctor with autism and all of he difficulties for can job in the hospital without be judged for his different abilities (such as have a incredible memory, always says the true, see thing that other not....)
Image result for the good doctor


  1. I really like The good Doctor too, because a young doctor with autism can be better that a whole team of doctors

  2. I hate when the people joke with Autism. Isn't a joke to have a problem like that. By the way I had no idea about that serie.

  3. the good doctor is the best example to understand this disorder.

    pd: I love the serie jaja

  4. my cousin has autism, he is very special with an enormous heart , I love him very much

  5. Maybe i can give a try to that serie, the people with autism that can endure their condition are admirable

  6. I detest people who make fun of people with austism, I believe that all people are equal and deserve to be treated with respect.
    PS: the series seems interesting


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