Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Various topics of interest

In my opinion, having pets at home is the best thing that has happened to me, animals are a great company, they are always willing to give you all their love regardless of anything and make our days more cheerful, you can always count on them.
Today I can happily say that I love my 5 dogs and come home to share with them

Related imageA topic of great relevance worldwide is recycling because of all the damage we have caused to the planet.
I think it is essential that we learn to recycle our elements every day, in order to help the environment.

It is a pity that the awareness necessary for recycling is not yet formed, because it is difficult to find places to do it, or because there is not enough interest of people in this.

One issue that hurts to talk is the adoption in our country. Well ... we can start by saying that it is extremely difficult to adopt children for the sole reason of requesting the accreditation of a large number of assets, being married (people of different sexes) and being an almost perfect person in society. In my opinion, anyone who would like to take care and give love to a child who needs it should be able to do it, regardless of nationality, sex, if they are single or many other things, as long as they have basic requirements to take care of them.
Image result for primera oveja clonada
 And my last point of great interest is cloning
According to me people or animals should not be cloned, I think that its essence and everything that makes it unique to that body does not exist, it is only a shell completely identical to the previous ones but with another being within them.
Perhaps the cloning of some animal species can help them not to become extinct and thus be able to help the regeneration of wildlife on our planet.

Friday, October 4, 2019

My future Postgraduate

Image result for emblema saludIn a future i hope finish my career of Pharmaceutical Chemist and start a postgraduate of Geriatrics, because is my dream since i was little and i have a big interesting in Older Adults. They are the most important persons in this Country and the largest population in it, they needed more care and careful that other persons and every year the number of Older Adult it grows more and more. For other part is so necessary control the correct use of medicaments in this patients, because a big part of their have illnes such as Diabetes, Hypertension, problem with the Coagulation , and mush others. Is for that reason that they need a good Geriatric Pharmaceutical Chemist to help them with the big number of medicament that they take for all this illnes, avoiding misuse of them, that can cause even their died.
Is so important the correct cares that they deserve for to improve their lives.
I want to study in Chile for all that reasons, and also because is really worrying the small amount of this professionals here (they are around 4 in all the country) and is so important the correct cares that they deserve for to improve their lives.
I think i like being Geriatrician because the biology and chemistry are so interesting for me. The way that our body works, and how have a good care of him are so important for all persons and i think that subject such as Anatomy and Fisiopatology will be very rewarding in this Postgrade.
For me the best method to get to learn this type of knowledge are into the University ( i hope it is UCH).

Finally i feel that this is all that i want being in my life. Stay in a hospital helping to people.

Various topics of interest

In my opinion, having pets at home is the best thing that has happened to me, animals are a great company, they are always willing to give y...